OpenPhoto 3.0.0 release

The OpenPhoto team is happy to announce our 3.0.0 release (click here to sign up). We fixed over 170 issues that introduced new features and addressed usability bugs.

Our most frequently requested feature was Albums. We pushed back a lot on the basis that tags accomplish much of what Albums do. In the end we knew we had to listen to all the user feedback we received. We’re happy to include the first version of Albums in this release.

Another major improvement is that Tag, Group and Album form fields autocomplete making it easy to search and organize your photos. We’ve also added OpenStreetMap support and made performance optimizations for mobile browsers.

A big thanks to the following contributors to the 3.0.0 release.

  • Andreas Schneider
  • Ben Shi
  • Benjamin Kerensa
  • Dave Coyle
  • Gaël Gosset
  • Hubert Figuière
  • Jaisen Mathai
  • Jeff Dean
  • Jordan Brock
  • Mike Taylor
  • Pascal A
  • Patrick Santana
  • Roman Yepishev
  • Sam Gleske
  • jadient
  • kaffeeringe
  • nicolargo
  • till

Thanks again for being an OpenPhoto user.

read original post on Trovebox's Site