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The DSTV Bouquets I Want

Written by: Mark Horner
On Saturday I noticed some dramatic headlines about a war involving DSTV in South Africa. Turns out it is a price war between DSTV and the new pay-TV operator.
I’ve clearly been drinking too little coffee because I didn’t even know we were getting another operator in the pay-TV space. For the record we do now have one, TopTV.
What is even more AMAZING is that TopTV and DSTV are actually competing, TopTV came out with a number of bouquet options that undercut DSTV and suddenly DSTV reduce prices and increase their bouquet offerings. Excellent for consumers!
This is precisely what you would expect in a free market, competition gives the consumers more options and, possibly, better, cheaper options. As a South African though, you should be surprised to see this actually happening. We have MANY cellphone operators in South Africa and yet there is no competition at all! All of
their pricing structures are still based firmly on daylight robbery, especially SMS charges.