
WYSIWHAT Sprint in Berlin, July 23-27th : Join us.

by Kathi Fletcher. Average Reading Time: less than a minute.

By David Plotzki (cropped from Museumsinsel) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

 Come brainstorm, design, and sprint with us in Berlin, July 23rd to 27th at the Sourcefabric offices. 

Day 1: A free, one-day event for designers, writers, educators, journalists and anyone who produces text in the browser. What is the future of the wysiwyg editor? Work with developers to shape future web tools that make producing text online an easy, powerful and even fun experience.

It’s an open event and all are welcome. All levels of technical virtuosity can contribute, from the web illiterate to the super geek.

Days 2-5: If you are indeed a super geek or interaction designer, you may wish to stay for the next 4 days and work with others to take the ideas of the first day and try and do something with them. Stay to experiment with user interface designs and code, extending existing browser-based editors. We will have developers from OERPUB, Booktype and Connexions who have already started experimenting and building.

Lots of ways to indicate interest, find out more, or sign up:

  • Lanyard
  • Sourcefabric blog
  • Facebook event
  • Google+

read original post on Kathi Fletcher's Site