Business Day Africa profiles the Communications Commission of Kenya’s decision to offer ISM-band spectrum to non-profits:
“Licence-free band spectrum, courtesy of the airwaves’ regulator, could allow non-profit organisations to own and operate telecom companies.
The Communication Commission of Kenya’s offer of the ISM Band 2.4 and 5.8 spectrum to registered community groups is on a first-come-first-served basis, and already organisations from Mukurweini, Khwisero, Limuru and Rangwe have expressed interest. Countries like Tanzania, Namibia, Bangladesh and India have used the concept of free frequencies in efforts to bridge the ‘digital divide’ with the West.”
This paves the way for the creation of VillageTelcos in Kenya. Comparisons may be odious but it is hard to resist comparing the forward-looking approach of the CCK to the foot-dragging, bureaucratic style of ICASA, who it appears will miss their deadline for converting telecommunications operators and VANs licensees to the new electronic communications network services (ECNS) licenses.